This is an example for this page. Different from the blog article; Because it will remain in one place and appear in your sitelinks (most templates). Most people start by introducing the introductory page, usually called an “About” page, to show to potential site visitors. It could be something like this:
Hello! During the day I work as a mailman, aspiring artist the rest of the hours of my day, and this is my website. I live in the Western Region, and I have a nice cat called Frozen, who loves woodworking and is interested in carvings and decorations (and interests you might like from here and there.)
… or something like this:
Founded in 1971, XYZ has provided many quality products to the public since then. Headquartered in London, XYZ employs more than 2000 people and does many wonderful things and activities for the community.
As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages suitable for your content. Enjoy!